
Sai chitra nagar, Ramanthapur, Hyderabad

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About us

About Us

Adya Biotech is a pioneer in root culture research in the state of Telangana since 2014.

The company has to its credit multiple grantable patents and is now associated with some of the premier institutes of India like CCMB to further collaborate into advance research. This is the brainchild of a scientist-turned entrepreneur, which started off as an independent research now grew into commercial scale production of enhanced high valued bio products with international demand.
Organic Products
Web Designer 95%
Healthy Foods
Web Designer 90%

Principal Scientist & Our Founding Director

Dr. Gayathri Bathoju

Our Collaborations

Adya Biotech has research collaborations with various academic institutions such as CCMB and JNTU.

Our Scientific Team

Adya Biotech team consists of scientific members having experience in biotechnology, agronomy and cell line structure analysis. The company has active research staff and collaboration with various academic institutions.